North Trampoline Springs

Check which trampoline you have and then select the spring you need from the drop-down list. Springs sold in pack of x10

From £35

Check which trampoline you have and then select the spring you need from the drop-down list.

North Adventurer / Pioneer
North Adventurer/Pioneer Oval = 21 cm
North Pioneer Round = 17,5 cm
Springs sold in pack of x10

North Challenger / Legend
North Legend Oval = 21,5 cm
North Challenger / Legend Round = 21 cm
North Legend Rectangular = 22,5 cm
North Legend (previously called North Explorer)

North Performer Rectangular
North Performer Rectangular = 21 cm

Springs sold in pack of x10


All Parts
Model Item Number
Pioneer Oval Spring x10 NTP200016810
Pioneer Round Spring x10 NTP400017810
Explorer Round Spring x10 NTP300018710
Explorer Oval Spring x10 NTP100019810
Explorer Rectangular Spring x10 NTP700020810
Performer Rectangular Spring x10 NTP600019710